We are personal injury attorneys
Fill out our contact form to speak to our experienced Virginia trial attorneys. Breit Biniazan has helped recover millions of dollars in cases. Learn how we can help you today.
Our experienced sexual abuse lawyers at Breit Biniazan offer the compassionate representation victims both require and deserve. For expert legal advice relating to sexual abuse cases, refer to our personal injury blog.
September 28, 2020
Americans live in a country that demands justice when someone knowingly inflicts harm on another – especially a child. Yet one alleged child abuser...
September 18, 2020
The Catholic Diocese of Richmond released information that sexual assault allegations have recently been raised against four priests, including Father Joseph Slowik. The allegations date...
Fill out our contact form to speak to our experienced Virginia trial attorneys. Breit Biniazan has helped recover millions of dollars in cases. Learn how we can help you today.