Common Causes of Trucking Accidents

Jeffrey BreitJanuary 21, 2022

There are many common causes of trucking accidents. Overloaded cargo trucks can experience tire blowouts and tip over due to too much weight. External loads can also result in road obstructions and windshield damage.

What are the most common causes of truck accidents?

1. Driver mistakes or negligence is the most common cause of transportation accidents, accounting for around 85% of all trucking accidents.

2. Mechanical failure is the second most common cause of trucking accidents, accounting for around 9% of all trucking accidents.

3. Weather conditions are the third most common cause of trucking accidents, accounting for around 5% of all trucking accidents.

4. Road conditions are the fourth most common cause of trucking accidents, accounting for around 3% of all trucking accidents.

5. Driver weariness is the fifth most common cause of transportation accidents, accounting for around 2% of all trucking accidents.

6. Driver distraction is the sixth most common cause of transportation accidents, accounting for around 1% of all trucking accidents.

7. Driver impairment is the fifth most common cause of trucking accidents, accounting for around 1% of all trucking accidents.

Driver Fatigue

Truck drivers play a vital role in our economy, transporting goods across long distances. However, the job can be demanding, with many drivers working long hours to meet tight schedules. This can lead to fatigue, and research has shown that sleep deprivation is a major factor in truck accidents. In one study, 20% of truck drivers admitted to falling asleep at the wheel in the previous year.

The study also found that those who slept for less than five hours a day were twice as likely to be involved in an accident as those who slept for seven hours or more. As the number of goods transported by truck continues to grow, it is essential that measures are taken to ensure the safety of these drivers. This includes ensuring that they have adequate rest breaks and providing them with training on how to manage fatigue.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is a common cause of accidents, and it is especially dangerous for truck drivers. The size and weight of their vehicles mean that truck drivers have less time to react to potential hazards, and they can cause serious damage if they are involved in an accident.

There are many different types of distractions, but the most common ones include using a cell phone, eating or drinking, talking to passengers, and looking at something other than the road.


Speeding is another cause of trucking accidents. When a truck is travelling at a high speed, it generally takes longer to stop than a car would. This can be especially dangerous if the truck is carrying a heavy load, as it will take even longer to come to a stop.

Additionally, speeding can make it more difficult for the driver to control the truck, increasing the risk of an accident. While speeding may help a driver arrive at their destination more quickly, it is simply not worth the risk. Drivers who choose to speed should be aware of the dangers and be prepared to accept the consequences if an accident does occur.

Aggressive Driving

Aggressive driving behaviours from truck drivers, such as tailgating or cutting off other vehicles, can have serious consequences. When truck drivers engage in these behaviours, they put themselves and everyone else on the road at risk.

In addition to increasing the likelihood of an accident, aggressive driving can also lead to increased wear and tear on the truck itself. Over time, this can result in mechanical problems that can jeopardize the safety of the truck and its cargo. For these reasons, it is essential for all truck drivers to practice safe driving habits at all times.

Mechanical Failures

Mechanical failures can also lead to serious accidents. One of the most potentially dangerous mechanical failures is brake failure. Truck brakes are subject to a great deal of stress and wear and tear, and if they are not properly maintained, they can fail when they are needed most.

In addition, improper loading of a truck can also lead to brake failure. When a truck is overloaded, the brakes have to work harder to stop the vehicle, and this can lead to overheating and eventual failure. If you are involved in a trucking accident caused by brake failure or any other type of mechanical failure, you may be able to hold the trucking company liable for your injuries.

Contact our team of trucking accident lawyers in Virginia today for a free consultation.


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