Acquired Brain Injury Lawyers

When faced with the complex challenges of an acquired brain injury, it is essential to have a legal team that understands the depth and impact of such a condition. At Breit Biniazan, we specialize in providing comprehensive legal support for those affected by various types of brain injuries.

Our expertise covers a wide spectrum of cases, from traumatic brain injuries resulting from accidents to non-traumatic causes like illness or oxygen deprivation. With a focus on compassionate and informed legal advice, we are committed to helping our clients navigate the intricate legal landscape that surrounds acquired brain injuries.


What Is Acquired Brain Injury?

An acquired brain injury (ABI) refers to any damage to the brain that occurs after birth. This term encompasses a range of injuries, both traumatic and non-traumatic, that lead to impairments in cognitive, physical, emotional, or independent functioning. Unlike congenital brain injuries, which occur at birth or before, ABIs are acquired later in life and can drastically alter an individual’s quality of life.

Types of Acquired Brain Injury

Acquired brain injuries can be broadly categorized into two types:

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

This is caused by an external force, such as a blow or jolt to the head, leading to brain dysfunction. Common examples include head injuries from car accidents, sports injuries, falls, or physical assaults.

Non-Traumatic Brain Injury

These injuries are not caused by external trauma, but by internal factors like lack of oxygen (anoxic brain injury), stroke, tumors, infections, or toxic exposure such as carbon monoxide poisoning.

Causes of Acquired Brain Injury

Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) is a complex condition with a variety of causes, each leading to potentially severe and life-altering consequences. Understanding these causes is crucial in both prevention and legal claims related to ABIs.

Physical Trauma

Physical trauma is a leading cause of ABI and can occur in several ways:

  • Accidents: Vehicle accidents, often involving cars, motorcycles, or bicycles, are common causes of head injuries leading to ABIs. The sudden impact can cause the brain to collide with the skull, resulting in trauma.
  • Falls: Falls, particularly among older adults and young children, are a significant source of head injuries. Falls can occur at home, in the workplace, or in public spaces, and the severity of the injury can vary greatly.
  • Sports Activities: Contact sports like football, boxing, or hockey, as well as non-contact sports where falls or collisions are possible, can result in traumatic brain injuries. Despite safety measures, the risk of concussion or more severe brain injuries remains a concern in athletic pursuits.

Medical Conditions

Several medical conditions can lead to ABIs:

  • Stroke: A stroke occurs when the blood supply to part of the brain is interrupted, leading to brain tissue damage. Strokes can result in lasting brain damage, affecting physical and cognitive abilities.
  • Brain Tumors: Both benign and malignant brain tumors can cause ABIs. As they grow, they can press against or damage brain tissue, leading to a variety of neurological symptoms.
  • Alzheimer’s Disease: While primarily known as a progressive disease affecting memory, Alzheimer’s can also be implicated in ABI. It may lead to changes in brain tissue and function over time, contributing to an overall decline in cognitive abilities.

Other Causes

Additional factors contributing to ABIs include:

  • Oxygen Deprivation (Anoxia/Hypoxia): This can occur due to several reasons like drowning, choking, carbon monoxide poisoning, or complications during medical procedures. Lack of oxygen can cause significant and irreversible damage to brain cells.
  • Substance Abuse: The use of certain drugs can lead to brain damage either through direct neurotoxic effects or by contributing to accidents or physical trauma while under the influence.
  • Infections: Certain infections, such as encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) and meningitis (inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord), can cause ABI. These infections can lead to swelling and damage to the brain and nervous system.

Symptoms of Acquired Brain Injury

Symptoms can range from mild to severe, depending on the extent of brain damage. They may include:

  • Cognitive difficulties such as memory loss and impaired thinking.
  • Physical impairments like loss of coordination or motor skills.
  • Emotional and behavioral changes, including altered sense of self-awareness and difficulty expressing emotions.

How to Claim for Acquired Brain Injury

Claiming compensation for an ABI involves:

  1. Medical Documentation: Gathering all medical records that detail the extent of the brain injury and its impact.
  2. Legal Representation: Engaging a specialized lawyer who understands the nuances of brain injury cases.

How Breit Biniazan Can Help

At Breit Biniazan, our dedicated legal team is committed to providing exceptional support and representation for clients who have suffered from acquired brain injuries (ABIs). Our comprehensive approach to handling ABI cases encompasses several key aspects:

Thorough Investigation of the Incident Leading to the Injury

  • Evidence Collection: We meticulously gather and analyze all available evidence related to the incident, including accident reports, eyewitness accounts, and surveillance footage.
  • Expert Consultation: We consult with medical experts, accident reconstruction specialists, and other professionals to gain a clear understanding of the circumstances that led to the injury. This step is crucial in establishing the cause and liability.
  • Legal Research: Our team conducts in-depth legal research to identify all potential avenues for compensation, considering the specifics of each case and the nuances of applicable laws.

Pursuing Fair Compensation for Medical Expenses, Loss of Income, and Emotional Distress

  • Calculating Damages: We comprehensively calculate both economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages include medical expenses, lost wages, and future loss of earning capacity. Non-economic damages cover pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life.
  • Negotiation with Insurance Companies: Our lawyers are skilled negotiators who work tirelessly to ensure that insurance companies offer fair settlements that reflect the true cost of the injury.
  • Legal Advocacy: If a fair settlement cannot be reached through negotiation, we are prepared to advocate vigorously for our clients in court. Our aim is to secure the best possible outcome, whether through settlement or trial.

At Breit Biniazan, we understand that dealing with the aftermath of an ABI can be an incredibly challenging and emotional time for both the victims and their families. Our goal is to shoulder the legal burden, allowing our clients to focus on their recovery and rehabilitation. We are committed to providing empathetic, skilled, and determined legal representation, ensuring that our clients receive the compensation and support they need and deserve.

Acquired Brain Injury FAQs

Can family members claim on behalf of a person with an ABI?

Yes, family members can file a claim if the injured person is unable to do so themselves.

What are the long-term effects of an ABI?

Long-term effects can include chronic physical, cognitive, or emotional challenges, impacting an individual’s ability to work and engage in social situations.

Is there a time limit to file a claim for an ABI?

Yes, there are statutes of limitations that vary depending on the jurisdiction. It’s crucial to consult a lawyer promptly.

Navigating the legal intricacies of an acquired brain injury case requires not only deep understanding but also compassionate representation. 

At Breit Biniazan, we are dedicated to providing our clients with the support and expertise necessary to achieve the best possible outcomes. If you or a loved one has suffered an acquired brain injury, whether this be a head injury or an injury that affects brain function, do not hesitate to reach out to our brain injury lawyers for guidance and assistance in your legal journey.

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  • History of Excellence: Long tradition of success in court
  • Experienced Professionals: Over 200 years of combined legal experience
  • Award-Winning Attorneys: Attorneys have been recognized among the most experienced trial lawyers in Virginia and the country
  • Client Commitment: Dedicated to providing our clients with the attention they deserve from start to finish
  • Honorable Service: No recovery, no legal fee
  • Industry Leaders: Leadership roles in the legal community
  • Proven Results: Secured some of the largest settlements in Virginia history