Brain Injury lawyers

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) rank among the most severe and financially draining catastrophic injuries that individuals can face. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), each year, approximately 1.5 million Americans survive a traumatic brain injury, with about 230,000 of these cases severe injuries serious enough to require hospitalization. These injuries not only disrupt the lives of those affected but also place immense emotional and economic burdens on their families.

At Breit Biniazan, we recognize that managing a traumatic brain injury extends beyond immediate medical treatment; it’s about ensuring the security of your future and your family’s well-being. Whether the injuries are mild concussions or severe brain damages, the financial implications are often substantial. These expenses can include direct costs like ongoing medical bills, chronic pain management, and rehabilitation, as well as indirect costs such as lost wages and the necessity for lifelong medical care.

Traumatic brain injuries can occur due to a variety of reasons, including motor vehicle accidents, slips and falls, sports injuries, construction and workplace accidents,, or even violent assaults, frequently exacerbated by negligent or intentional actions of another party. Our upcoming sections will provide you with essential information on the legal avenues available, the different types of brain injuries, and their extensive effects on every facet of life, from cognitive function to emotional and psychological health.


The Role Of A Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer

Our dedicated team of traumatic brain injury lawyersat Breit Biniazan is committed to helping you secure full and fair compensation. We have deep expertise in handling TBI claims, from managing complex discussions with insurance providers to ensuring that all liable parties for personal injury are held accountable. Our aim is to equip you with the robust legal support necessary during this challenging period.

As your advocates, we strive to ensure that you receive the requisite ongoing care and compensation needed for a life of dignity and fulfillment post-injury. Contact us today for a free consultation, and let us guide you toward securing your future after a traumatic brain injury.

Types of Traumatic Brain Injuries

Type of InjuryDescriptionCommon Effects
ConcussionA mild TBI that affects brain function. Effects can be temporary or lasting, impacting cognitive and physical abilities.Headaches, confusion, memory issues, and dizziness.
ContusionA bruise (bleeding) on the brain caused by a direct impact to the head.Swelling, localized damage, and possible surgery to alleviate pressure.
Diffuse Axonal InjuryInjury caused by severe shaking or rotational forces, not necessarily with an impact.Can lead to permanent brain damage, coma, or death.
Penetrating InjuryOccurs when an object pierces the skull, entering the brain.Severe damage to specific brain areas, potentially life-threatening.

Common Causes of Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries can result from various incidents, each capable of inflicting significant and life-altering damage. Here are some common causes:

  • Vehicles: High-speed collisions where a driver’s head strikes an object inside the car.
  • Falls: An individual falling from a height at a construction site, striking their head.
  • Violence: Injuries from assaults where the head is targeted.
  • Medical: Errors in surgical procedures that lead to brain injuries.
  • Sports: Severe impacts from sports like football or boxing.

Cognitive Impairments

Individuals who suffer catastrophic brain injuries often experience significant cognitive challenges. These can include diminished memory, reduced attention span, impaired problem-solving abilities, and slower processing speeds. Such cognitive deficits can severely limit one’s ability to perform everyday activities and maintain professional responsibilities.

Emotional and Psychological Impact

The emotional and psychological aftermath of a brain injury is profound. Victims may experience erratic mood swings, persistent depression, heightened anxiety, and noticeable personality changes. These symptoms can lead to feelings of isolation and significant alterations in how individuals interact socially.

Relationships and Social Life

The combined effects of cognitive, emotional, and psychological changes can strain personal relationships. Victims may find it difficult to engage in social activities they once enjoyed, and their altered behavior can affect interactions with other family members and friends, potentially leading to social withdrawal.

Loss of Independence and Quality of Life

A severe brain injury often results in a loss of independence, as individuals may no longer be able to manage daily tasks or make decisions for themselves. This loss, coupled with other injury impacts, can lead to a significant decline in quality of life, affecting both the severe injury victim and their family.

Need for Comprehensive Care

Addressing the wide-ranging effects of catastrophic brain and spinal cord injuries requires a multidisciplinary approach. Continuous rehabilitation, cognitive therapy, and psychological support are crucial to help individuals cope with their new circumstances, aiming to improve their condition and adapt to life post-injury.

Our Service Areas Relating to Traumatic Brain Injuries

Breit Biniazan specializes in a comprehensive array of legal services tailored to tackle the complex challenges of traumatic brain injury cases. Our areas of expertise include:

  • Motor Vehicle Accidents: Representing clients who have suffered TBIs in car, truck, or motorcycle accidents.
  • Medical Malpractice: Handling cases where TBIs are the result of surgical mistakes or medical negligence.
  • Wrongful Death: Offering legal support to families in tragic cases where TBIs lead to death.
  • Defective Products: Pursuing claims against manufacturers of faulty products that cause brain injuries.
  • Catastrophic Injury: We deal extensively with severe TBIs that result in permanent disabilities.
  • Premises Liability: Representing individuals who have sustained brain injuries due to unsafe conditions on someone else’s property.

Compensations and Damages in Traumatic Brain Injury Cases

  • Economic Damages: Cover quantifiable losses such as medical bills from initial hospitalization to ongoing treatments and lost wages.
  • Non-Economic Damages: Address intangible effects like pain, suffering, emotional distress, and diminished quality of life.
  • Punitive Damages: May be awarded in cases of extreme negligence to punish and deter similar future behavior.

Filing a Traumatic Brain Injury Claim

Filing a traumatic brain injury claim involves several essential steps, beginning with a detailed investigation of the incident to collect crucial evidence for personal injury claims such as medical records and witness statements. It’s imperative to act quickly because statutes of limitations can limit the time frame within which you can file a claim. A skilled catastrophic injury lawyer specializing in brain injuries can navigate the complexities of the legal process, ensuring that your claim comprehensively addresses all aspects of the injury—from immediate medical expenses to long-term needs like cognitive rehabilitation and compensation for lost wages.

How to Choose a Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer

Choosing the right traumatic brain injury lawyer is critical to protecting your rights and maximizing your potential for receiving fair compensation in a catastrophic injury lawsuit. It is important to select an attorney with a strong track record in handling catastrophic injury cases, especially those involving serious brain injuries like concussions or more severe impairments. A proficient traumatic brain injury lawyer will possess a deep understanding of the medical aspects of these cases, including the challenges associated with ongoing medical care and potential permanent disability. They should also demonstrate empathy and a commitment to advocating for individuals who have suffered life-altering serious injuries, due to motor vehicle accidents, medical malpractice, or other preventable accidents.

The catastrophic injury lawyers at Breit Biniazan have a thorough understanding of the medical complexities of burn injuries and the lifelong challenges associated with brain injuries. They are committed to empathetically advocating for individuals who have experienced life-altering injuries, ensuring that each client’s needs and rights are diligently addressed.

Building a Strong Traumatic Brain Injury Case

Building a strong traumatic brain injury case requires an in-depth understanding of the events that led to the injury, supported by solid evidence and expert testimonies. This process might involve reconstructing the accident scene, collecting CCTV footage, and gathering medical expert opinions on the extent of brain damage and its long-term effects. A traumatic brain injury lawyer must clearly articulate how the injury occurred, who is responsible, and the profound impact it has on the client’s life, emphasizing the serious personal injury lawsuit and need for significant financial compensation.

Working with medical experts is crucial in traumatic brain injury cases to credibly establish the extent of the injuries and outline future medical needs. These experts provide testimony regarding the initial injury and necessary medical interventions, as well as offer insights into likely future complications of catastrophic injury case such as cognitive impairments, chronic pain, and psychological issues. Their expert opinions are essential for proving the extent of the injury, the expected recovery trajectory, and the comprehensive care plan required to support the client’s recovery and adaptation to a new way of life.

If you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury, it is crucial to seek the right legal and medical support. At Breit Biniazan, our team of experienced catastrophic injury attorneys is here to help you navigate the complexities of your case. We understand the profound impact such injuries can have on every aspect of your life and are committed to advocating for the compensation and care you deserve. Contact us today to explore how we can assist you through this challenging time and help secure a future that upholds your dignity and rights. Let our dedicated legal team be your support and guide in recovering the fullest compensation possible.

Brain Injury FAQs

Can people recover from a brain injury?

Recovery from a brain injury varies significantly depending on the severity and location of the injury, as well as the individual’s overall health and the timeliness and quality of medical treatment received. While some people may experience a substantial recovery, regaining most of their cognitive and physical functions, others might have long-term impairments. Recovery can be a lengthy process involving various forms of rehabilitation, such as physical therapy, cognitive therapy, and occupational therapy.

How does a brain injury affect a person?

A brain injury can affect a person in multiple ways, spanning physical, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral changes. Physically, individuals may face challenges such as headaches, fatigue, and problems with coordination. Cognitively, they may struggle with attention, memory, and problem-solving. Emotionally, mood swings, depression, and irritability are common. Behaviorally, there may be impulsivity and changes in social behavior. The extent and combination of these effects vary widely among individuals.

Can you live a normal life after a traumatic brain injury?

Living a “normal” life after a traumatic brain injury depends on the injury’s severity and the effectiveness of rehabilitation. Many individuals can lead fulfilling lives with the appropriate medical and social support, modifications to their living and working environments, and adaptive techniques. However, adjustments may be necessary, and ongoing challenges are common. Support from family, friends, and professionals plays a critical role in achieving the best possible quality of life.

What happens after injury to the brain?

After a brain injury, the body initiates a complex healing process that can include swelling, inflammation, and the beginning of repair to damaged nerve cells. Clinically, this is a critical time as secondary injuries can occur, complicating the recovery. The immediate focus is on stabilizing the individual, assessing the injury’s extent, and preventing further damage. Long-term effects can involve physical, cognitive, and emotional changes that require ongoing management and rehabilitation. Each stage of recovery is generally unique to each individual, based on the specifics of their injury and their personal health history.

Don’t Settle, Hire the Best Trial Lawyers in the State

  • History of Excellence: Long tradition of success in court
  • Experienced Professionals: Over 200 years of combined legal experience
  • Award-Winning Attorneys: Attorneys have been recognized among the most experienced trial lawyers in Virginia and the country
  • Client Commitment: Dedicated to providing our clients with the attention they deserve from start to finish
  • Honorable Service: No recovery, no legal fee
  • Industry Leaders: Leadership roles in the legal community
  • Proven Results: Secured some of the largest settlements in Virginia history