Sexual Abuse in the Church Attorney

At Breit Biniazan, we understand the immense pain and suffering that survivors of sexual abuse within religious institutions endure, particularly the persistent issues of sexual abuse within the Catholic Church. Clergy sexual abuse, defined as a range of sexual crimes committed by members of the religious clergy, is a horrifying betrayal of trust, leaving lifelong scars. 

Survivors not only struggle with the trauma of the abuse itself but also face emotional and institutional hurdles when seeking justice. Our attorneys are committed to standing by survivors, ensuring their voices are heard and justice is served. This guide outlines the pivotal role Breit Biniazan attorneys play in helping survivors of church-related abuse navigate the legal system, seek compensation, and push for systemic change.


Overview of Clergy Sexual Abuse Cases in the Church

For decades, reports of sexual abuse within churches have shocked communities across the nation. From small local congregations to large denominations, clergy members and other figures in religious authority have been accused of child sexual abuse, highlighting the prevalence and impact of such abuse within religious organizations. Religious institutions have historically covered up cases of sex abuse, deeply impacting victims and their families. These cases have revealed both individual crimes and systemic failures within religious institutions. Breit Biniazan is dedicated to holding both the abusers and the institutions accountable for these egregious acts.

Legal Rights of Survivors

Survivors of church-related sexual abuse have powerful legal rights designed to help them seek justice. Breit Biniazan attorneys specialize in ensuring that survivors know and fully exercise these rights, including filing civil lawsuits, pursuing criminal charges, and seeking financial compensation for the harm they have suffered. This includes legal avenues available to victims of clergy abuse, empowering them to file lawsuits against both the perpetrators and the religious institutions involved. Additionally, we address how bishops handled sexual abuse charges within the Catholic Church, often pressuring priests to resign and facilitating hush money payments to victims. We are fierce advocates for survivors, working tirelessly to secure the justice and restitution they deserve.

At Breit Biniazan, our attorneys play a critical role in guiding survivors through every step of the legal process. We recognize the sensitivity and complexity of these cases, especially those involving allegations of sexual abuse by Catholic priests, and we take a compassionate yet relentless approach to ensure that survivors’ voices are amplified. Sexual misconduct by clergy members encompasses various forms of abuse, highlighting the dynamics of power and control that impact victims within religious communities. Our firm provides personalized, confidential support, allowing survivors to focus on their healing while we handle the legal battle. We are committed to not only achieving justice but also helping to restore dignity and hope to those we represent.

Common Legal Challenges Faced in Child Sexual Abuse Cases

Church sexual abuse cases are rife with challenges, from institutional pushback to the emotional toll the process can take on survivors. Abuse can occur within any religious organization, which often have powerful legal teams that attempt to discredit survivors or protect the church’s reputation. Sexual harassment is part of a broader definition of clergy sexual abuse, where perpetrators exploit power and control over their victims. Breit Biniazan attorneys are well-versed in countering these tactics. We use our extensive experience to overcome legal and procedural obstacles, ensuring that survivors have a fair chance to tell their story and secure justice.

Evidence Gathering and Documentation

Gathering evidence in church-related sexual abuse cases can be particularly difficult, as the abuse may have occurred years or even decades earlier. The significant prevalence of individuals who have been sexually abused within religious institutions, such as the Catholic Church and the Anglican Church, adds to the complexity. Reports from the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse detail the prevalence and characteristics of sexually abused children, highlighting the unique barriers to disclosure faced by survivors within these religious contexts. Breit Biniazan’s attorneys work meticulously to gather all relevant documentation, from medical records to testimonies, and partner with psychological and trauma experts to substantiate the impact of the abuse. We understand the importance of building a strong case that fully represents the survivor’s experience and the lasting harm caused by the abuse.

Statutes of Limitations

The statute of limitations often poses a significant challenge for survivors seeking justice. Many survivors wait years before coming forward, sometimes due to fear, shame, or trauma. This is particularly true in cases of clergy sexual abuse, which can include various forms of sexual assault perpetrated by members of the clergy. Breit Biniazan attorneys are experts in navigating the complexities of statute limitations, and we are committed to pursuing justice, even in cases where traditional time limits may appear to have expired. In many jurisdictions, laws have been reformed to extend or remove these limitations, allowing more survivors to come forward.

Settlement vs. Trial: Pros and Cons

Deciding whether to accept a settlement or go to trial is a critical juncture in any sexual abuse case. Breit Biniazan attorneys provide clear, informed advice to help survivors make the best decision based on their individual circumstances. When handling sexual abuse charges within the Catholic Church, the decision can be particularly complex due to the history of bishops pressuring priests to resign and facilitating hush money payments to victims. Settlements can offer a faster, more private resolution, while a trial may lead to a more substantial outcome but with additional emotional strain. Our priority is to empower survivors with the knowledge they need to choose the path that feels right for them.

Support Resources for Survivors

At Breit Biniazan, we believe that survivors need more than legal representation—they need a holistic support system. Our attorneys work closely with a network of counselors, therapists, and survivor advocacy groups to provide survivors with the emotional, psychological, and community support they need. Given the prevalence of clergy sexual abuse cases, especially in California, we emphasize the importance of specialized support systems for survivors of such abuse within religious institutions. This comprehensive approach ensures that survivors are not alone as they seek justice and healing.

Breit Biniazan has been at the forefront of representing survivors of church-related sexual abuse. Our firm has helped secure justice in high-profile cases that have not only delivered compensation to survivors but also set important legal precedents. These cases have brought significant attention to the issue of abuse in religious institutions, highlighting alarming statistics regarding sexual abuse within the French Catholic Church, noting that nearly 3,000 priests and clergy members have been implicated since 1950, with an estimated 216,000 victims identified, predominantly boys. Additionally, child sexual abuse cases involving clergy from the German Catholic Church have been analyzed, revealing a significant percentage of clergy being accused of sexual abuse and reporting on the severity and prevalence of such offenses against children and adolescents over several decades. These cases have paved the way for legislative reforms and increased transparency within churches.

Advocacy for Change in Catholic Church Policies

Beyond litigation, Breit Biniazan attorneys are passionate advocates for systemic change within religious institutions. We push for policy reforms that prioritize the safety of children and vulnerable individuals in church communities, advocating for improved reporting protocols and greater accountability. The prevalence of child sexual abuse within the Roman Catholic Church underscores the urgent need for these reforms. By holding churches responsible and pushing for meaningful change, our firm helps to ensure that future generations are protected from the abuses of the past.At Breit Biniazan, we stand with survivors of sexual abuse in the church, providing legal expertise, compassionate representation, and a relentless commitment to justice. Our church abuse attorneys are dedicated to ensuring that every survivor’s story is heard and that perpetrators—and the institutions that protect them—are held accountable.

Contact our specialized team of sexual abuse lawyers at Breit Binazan today to get started on your case. You may be entitled to compensation for the harm that you have endured.

Call Breit Biniazan at (855) 212-8200 for a free, confidential case evaluation today.

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